Welcome To NAPHAM The National Association for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Malawi is a member based organization which was founded in 1993 with the aim of providing a forum for PLHIV to share their experiences and information and to find solace because at that time they were stigmatized and treated like outcasts. At the helm of NAPHAM are the members who as provided in the organizational Constitution, meet by representation at the Annual General Meeting. Below the members is the board of trustees whose members are elected every five years. This board is then supported by a secretariat which is headed by the Executive Director, supported by one director of Finance and Administration and another for Programmes respectively.
In order to provide direction, NAPHAM developed a Strategic Plan covering the period 2008 to 2012 which was extended to June 2013. The objectives of this plan were: to advocate for a conducive environment that promotes essential services for survival in order to reduce vulnerability and dependence; enhance prevention care and support for people living with HIV and AIDS and those directly affected; empower and promote personal development of PLHIVs and those directly affected; facilitate the growth and development of membership to respond to their evolving needs and; strengthen the capacity of NAPHAM to effectively function as an organization and also to deliver on its mandate.